Elevate Your Texting Program with Switchboard's Short Code Solutions — Switchboard

Short Codes are the premiere phone number option for large volume programs, and Switchboard is leading the way in streamlined Short Code registration and expert texting strategy.
Short codes are the most recognizable phone number option for your Application-to-Peer (A2P) texting program and can be especially valuable for large-volume programs. In addition to 10-Digit Long Code (10DLC) and Toll-Free, Switchboard supports Short Code texting for those ready to level up their texting game. Keep reading to learn how our team of Short Code experts can help you register a Short Code quickly and make the most of this powerful tool.
What is a Short Code?

A short code is a 5- to 6-digit number used to send and receive text messages. In addition to political texting, SMS marketing campaigns, customer service, and other interactive communication are other common use cases for these short codes. Because they are shorter than a typical 10-Digit Long Code or Toll-Free number, they provide a more convenient and recognizable way for businesses and organizations to engage with their audience via text messages.
All short Short Codes are obtained and registered through the Short Code Registry (SCR) and may be either a Vanity Short Code or a Random Short Code.
Vanity Short Codes
Vanity short codes are custom-selected numbers typically consisting of memorable sequences or patterns relevant to the organization. They might also be selected to spell a particular word; for example, 74678 spells SHORT on your phone’s keypad.
While vanity short codes offer a personalized touch, they come with a higher price tag of $1000 per month paid to the Short Code Registry (SCR). These short codes are often favored by high-profile and high-volume clients, such as presidential campaigns, who prioritize brand recognition and consistency.
Random Short Codes
On the other hand, random short codes cost $500 per month, making them a more budget-friendly option for utilizing the convenience of a 5 to 6-digit number. While the selection process involves some degree of chance, SCR presents Switchboard with several random number combinations available for you to choose from, ensuring a suitable fit for your needs.
Switchboard also supports contact card attachments to help new subscribers save your Short Code number to their phone's contact list, making the random short code option much more viable.
Obtaining a Short Code

Now that you understand the types of short codes, let's discuss how to obtain one for your organization. Both vanity and random short codes involve a detailed application review by the phone carriers. In addition to your EIN and other identifying details, each major carrier will investigate your website to ensure compliance with their guidelines. For political campaigns and committees, the carriers will also review the applicant’s Statement of Organization published by their election authority–for example, the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
On your website, the carriers are primarily looking for your opt-in forms, donation forms, privacy policy, and terms & conditions to include specific language to demonstrate compliance. While working with you on the application, our Short Code experts will provide specific guidance for updating these items before submission so you can be sure your application is processed and approved by the carriers as quickly as possible.
The review process by the carriers typically takes 4-6 weeks; however, with all necessary documentation in place, turnaround times may be as quick as 3-4 weeks when you submit your application with Switchboard.
Enhancing Your Political Short Code Program

Short code texting offers political campaigns a powerful tool to engage with voters, mobilize supporters, and drive participation. Whether you're running for office, advocating for a cause, or rallying grassroots support, crafting a strategic approach to political texting is essential. Let's explore some key strategies tailored for the political industry:
1. Voter Contact
Empower voters with accurate and timely information about candidates, ballot measures, and political issues. Use short code texting as a trusted and reliable channel to debunk misinformation, clarify voting procedures, and ensure your voters are well-informed ahead of election day. You can share breaking news by drafting and sending your message immediately. Alternatively, using Switchboard's scheduling feature, you can plan ahead and review your upcoming projects with our helpful calendar view.
2. Fundraising
Political organizations rely heavily on grassroots fundraising efforts to finance their campaigns, and Short Code texting offers a convenient solution for soliciting donations from supporters. You can send fundraising requests via text message to donors with a direct link to contribute or use Switchboard's innovative Reply to Donate feature! Our impressive feature equips subscribers to donate directly to your WinRed account by replying to your donation-enabled message.
3. Subscriber Engagement
Connect with your supporters through a creative mix of text message content to maintain engagement with your text program. Encourage contacts to take action by signing petitions, sharing relevant news stories to keep voters informed, and providing exclusive access to events and updates to incentivize their continued attention to your messages. While writing new, engaging content can be challenging, our AI Assist tool can help you draft an excellent variety of messages in minutes!
4. Enhanced Video Texting
With Switchboard’s revolutionary Enhanced Video Texting (EVT) technology, you can share high-quality videos directly embedded in your message sent over Short Code–no link required! Video content is the most effective medium for accurately conveying your message and drawing a genuine emotional connection. Send your TV ad to your subscribers to amplify its impact, or text direct-to-camera videos for an extra personal touch.
The Switchboard Difference
At Switchboard, we prioritize making Short Code registration a breeze, and our attention doesn’t end there. After our Short Code experts lead you through registration, our dedicated support team continues to provide personalized guidance and assistance every step of the way.
In addition to providing transparent delivery reporting on every project, Switchboard’s Dashboard Metrics compiles valuable insights and charts to help inform your program strategy. We support Webhooks and API integrations to keep your preferred CRM updated. As part of our proactive support model, we also automatically remove deactivated phone numbers from your lists.
Bottom Line
Short Codes offer a convenient and recognizable channel for reaching your subscribers. Whether you choose a Vanity or Random Short Code or even a 10DLC or Toll-Free number, Switchboard's dedicated support and our team of experts can help you easily reach your texting goals.
Not sure what type of number option is right for your program? Contact our resident Short Code expert at shortcode@myswitchboard.com to discuss what strategy might be best for you and to start your texting journey with Switchboard.